Keep Calm
Keep Calm poster maker app for iOS. Love it! will be using this in school for a poster campaign after half term. But for now off to the Lakes to follow my own advice!
All schools I have been to have a rewards system in place, the yin, to the sanctions system’s yang. I think it’s about time school rewards were dragged into the 21st Century, and I have a few thoughts…
5 Minute Lesson Plan – iPad Edition I love the 5 Minute Lesson Plan, the wonderful TeacherToolkit should be very proud of it. It’s all but superseded our school lesson plan proforma for most staff and I can understand why. The best medium I’ve found to date for using it is the good old fashioned…
Facebook recently updated their Groups feature. Allowing finer control over groups which you set up, who can join, who can post, who can share etc.. Their are also improvements to how you are notified about group updates and a new feature called ‘docs’ that provides a Google Docs-esque shared notepad / document. Group chat is…
Having settled in at my new school, plans are afoot… …it looks like I should be taking a role in expanding the use of ICT across the curriculum. I’m going to do this in conjunction with a member of the IT teaching department. I plan to focus on collecting together good practice that already takes…
I have just completed the second edition of the SHS E-Learning Newsletter. This issue’s focus was: Google Forms Youtube XL Flickr CC Search Internal Training Check it out here, or sign up for the next edition over on the right in the sidebar 🙂
I’ve been playing around with two tools for mapping data onto Google Maps. They both have potential in and out of the classroom.