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Director of E-Learning Interview

This Thursday I have an interview for the post of Director of E-Learning at a local High School. Inspired by Doug Belshaw’s recent interview/blog/twitter success, (congratulations again Doug!) I would appreciate my personal learning network’s help!

I have to present for 10 mins and also teach for 30.

My presentation is on “Your Vision for E-Learning and Strategy to Embed it In & Out of School”, I will particularly be involved in managing the VLE and developing E-Learning across the curriculum. I have attached the presentation below (speaking notes on click through), any feedback would be appreciated…

I am also going to teach a Maths lesson on collecting quality data. To do this I have created a Google Form & Spreadsheet to collect some data from teachers and pupils on E-Learning. I have written questions with deliberate mistakes in them. I hope to get all pupils to complete the questionnaire, along with some of my blog/twitter network.

This is where you come in!

If you are available on Thursday morning, probably around 11ish (British Summer Time), I will twitter when the lesson has begun, if you could then complete the questionnaire, I hope to have the spreadsheet up on the board. Seeing your answers from around the world appearing live would be fantastic. If you know you won’t be available on Thursday morning then please feel free to fill the form in now.

EDIT: Lesson should be 11.30am-12pm, I’ll try and tweet at the appropriate time, but anything in there would be fantastic!

QUESTIONNAIRE: spreadsheets.goo…

We will then look at the data we have collected, looking for the problems I hope to see in it, and collaborate to write some improved versions.

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  1. Hi Dan,

    All the best for tomorrow. I shall do my utmost to fill in you form ‘live’ as I was really very much helped to get my post last week by my network! 🙂

  2. Best of luck on the interview, Dan! I won’t be available to help via Twitter (I’ll just be driving to work in the morning as you’re presenting), but I have responded to the survey.

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