Some reading…
Some reading… Like the good old days of ‘edu-blogging’ Lisa Nielsen has compiled 20 great blogs to read. Go add them to your good old fashioned rss reader and enjoy!
Some reading… Like the good old days of ‘edu-blogging’ Lisa Nielsen has compiled 20 great blogs to read. Go add them to your good old fashioned rss reader and enjoy! Turn your Twitter stream into your friends’ linkblog jkottke: A few weeks ago, Twitter added an option to search the tweets of only the people you follow. This is useful for several different reasons (try searching for [recent pop culture key phrase] to see what I mean) but for those who use Twitter primarily…
BYOD and 1:1 are not the same Ryan Bretag nails some thoughts I’ve had recently on Bring Your Own Device as an IT provision in schools. It’s nice to have, and common sense in this day and age to allow learners to use their own devices in your classrooms and on your networks. But it’s…
Learn To Code Code Academy have set up Code Year. A lesson a week that over the course of the year will teach you how to code. Slate suggest each lesson will run to about 5 hours. Which is a hefty commitment. But I’ve signed up and will be encouraging learners at school to do…
ReBlog: Don’t Be A Free User (Pinboard Blog) minimalmac: What if a little site you love doesn’t have a business model? Yell at the developers! Explain that you are tired of good projects folding and are willing to pay cash American dollar to prevent that from happening. It doesn’t take prohibitive per-user revenue to put…
Graphing Google Now you can plot mathematical functions right on the search result page. Just type in a function and you’ll see an interactive graph on the top of the search results page.
Ban Calculators? Just catching up on last week’s reading and found the Conservative’s latest idea from the NC Review. Banning calculators in early years of Primary school. As someone planning a one device per child school you’d think I’d be up in arms. But I teach maths. And most pupils arrive at our school aged…
Arrington invests in Code Academy I spotted the excellent Code Academy a few weeks ago. And it looks like I wasn’t alone. It’s received a huge round of funding including from Michael Arrington: What really excites me about Codecademy is that you can learn almost anything this way. All I can think of is how…
Digital game based learning: Minecraft maths Why didn’t I think of this? Exploring 3D shapes in Maths using Minecraft. Brilliant.
Programming Principles I like these analogies and principles for programming basics, nice talking points for teachers using Code Academy as a starting point for teaching programming.