
Visual.ly Infographics

Visual.ly Infographics Visual.ly is at present a nice collection of infographics, those big data visualisations that are making statistics cool again. They can be a great source of information and discussion for the classroom (and also a great source of revenue / traffic for their creators). What’s more exciting is the promise that you’ll soon be…


Maths & Science in action! – 17 people in a Korean Tae Bo class accidentally tapped into a skyscraper’s resonance frequency, forcing a two day evacuation.

Maths & Science in action! – 17 people in a Korean Tae Bo class accidentally tapped into a skyscraper’s resonance frequency, forcing a two day evacuation.


Hype for Mac – HTML5 Animation For Schools?

Hype for Mac – HTML5 Animation For Schools? This looks really nice. Key-frame animation software on the Mac that creates beautiful looking HTML5 websites. This could be great for the animation units & web creation units of things like OCR Nationals & Creative iMedia. Anyone used this / recommend it?


Estelle Morris on Gove – Is there a master plan?

Estelle Morris on Gove – Is there a master plan? Amongst the consternation with Michael Gove this weekend – particularly his comments on the Andrew Marr show about the upcoming strike, Estelle Morris gets to the heart of the issue. Where is the long term plan amongst the cost cutting and curriculum narrowing? There surely…


Peter Twinning Reviews “Learning Futures”

Peter Twinning Reviews “Learning Futures” From agent4change.net: Within this discourse the role of schools is portrayed as being to prepare young people for this rapidly changing ‘knowledge age’ by developing their ‘21st century skills’, including communication, collaboration, learning to learn, and high levels of IT competence. In ‘Learning Futures’ Keri Facer describes this discourse as ‘the…