Moving Home – to Tumblr
Well I like it over here, so I might stay a while!
I was honoured to be invited to Becta-X (the x stands for exchange) during the Easter break. The conference brought together 75 leading educators and 75 leading people from the Media sector. Thanks to @TomBarrett for getting me the invite – truly much appreciated. The aims of the day were: The way the digital media industry influences…
And just like that, world order is restored. I felt a little uncomfortable praising Mr Gove for his radical move to remove the ICT Programme of Study. But all is back in balance now. As MSN reports: “The Education Secretary has called for longer school days and suggested that teachers should also be happy with…
Some reading… Like the good old days of ‘edu-blogging’ Lisa Nielsen has compiled 20 great blogs to read. Go add them to your good old fashioned rss reader and enjoy!
This post is a bit of a diary / mind-empty on my progress so far in launching a Digital Leaders programme in our school. Poster As per my previous post, Kristian Still asked me to become involved in developing the Digital Leaders idea into my school and others in collaboration with Vital.
Computing Reading List Check out my Flipboard magazine, Computing Reading List
A positive Ofsted school improvement experience — credit where it’s due 4 min read There have been enough Ofsted scare stories to last a lifetime, and the perverse effect they can have on schools are well known. But sometimes credit should be given where it’s due, so here is a tale of a supportive and constructive Ofsted visit…