Theon Stucke aka the end of blogging days
Theon Elliot Stucke meet the World. World, meet Theon (Taken with Instagram)
You’ve probably heard about the viral campaign to stop Joseph Kony, the leader of the Lord’s Resistance Army in Uganda. The video has been watched approximately 40 million times since it’s release on Monday. If not it’s here: KONY 2012 from INVISIBLE CHILDREN on Vimeo. This swept through our school today, all the pupils were talking about…
Well the cold snap in the UK has given me the first two days of 2010 school year sat at home in front of the fire. I’ve been really busy of late so it’s been good to get some time to concentrate on my E-Learning role. I have been meaning to write an E-Learning newsletter…
This looks like a really nice, simple, FREE tool for stop motion animation with a webcam or image files. Amplify’d from { JellyCam } Make stop-motion films with a web-cam or a bunch of photos. No fancy features yet, but great for starting off or mucking about. FREE. See more at See…
I’m 45, √2025=45, time for a 2025 square based running challenge! I’ve ordered a custom OS Map centred on my village. 20km² = 400 map squares to visit. I’m going to attempt to visit them all. On foot. From my front door. Inspiration via @MElcoate. I’m planning on taking a photo (square of course) in…
eeePCs come pre-installed with the wonderful Firefox browser. The 7-inch screen means that screen real-estate is at a premium so I have listed below some Firefox add-ons that I recommend. Get rid of those pesky adverts: Adblock Plus – Adblock Updater – Shrink the menus: Compact Menus 2 – Hide all the…
Ban Calculators? Just catching up on last week’s reading and found the Conservative’s latest idea from the NC Review. Banning calculators in early years of Primary school. As someone planning a one device per child school you’d think I’d be up in arms. But I teach maths. And most pupils arrive at our school aged…