
Digital Literacies – What Does #StopKONY Mean For Our Students

You’ve probably heard about the viral campaign to stop Joseph Kony, the leader of the Lord’s Resistance Army in Uganda. The video has been watched approximately 40 million times since it’s release on Monday. If not it’s here: KONY 2012 from INVISIBLE CHILDREN on Vimeo. This swept through our school today, all the pupils were talking about…


A Gift

“It was a gift to us,” she said. “And for him to be so confident and unafraid of death and to share it with other people was so touching.” Ben Breedlove’s Mum. Ben passed away shortly after making these videos. Is this classed as educational? Why are we still discussing filtering YouTube? An amazing resource.


Youtube For Schools? Solving a problem that doesn’t exist.

So Google have released Youtube For Schools? http://www.youtube.com/schools. This gives access to all the videos on Youtube Edu, and also others curated by your teachers, specific to your school Google Apps account. Well that’s lovely. But really. Isn’t it time your school just used the other Youtube For Schools over at http://youtube.com? We’ve been using it freely…

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Two Thought Provoking Discussion Starting Videos

The two following videos have been doing the rounds over the last week in the ‘blogosphere’ (I do hate that word!).  But just because you’ve seen them a couple of times doesn’t mean everyone in your school has – share them with you network now.  We used them both as discussion starters in Leadership Meetings…

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A Progressive Approach To The Internet In School

A post I’ve been meaning to write for many months… Battles: I have had my battles with Internet filtering in the past, but I’m now the man in charge.  Every school I have worked in so far in my opinion has had an old fashioned ‘head in the sand’ view to filtering and acceptable use…

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Teachers in websites closure call

So says the title of another BBC article on the cyber-bullying YouTube problem. This worries and saddens me as I can see the quick result of this will be even more aggressive and restrictive censoring of the internet by school network managers. There is so much excellent material available on YouTube and other similar sites…