Land on Mars
What it looks like to descend to Mars. In color, no less.
(via Seldo)
Incredible really. Amazing what a bit of Science and Maths can achieve.
What it looks like to descend to Mars. In color, no less.
(via Seldo)
Incredible really. Amazing what a bit of Science and Maths can achieve.
ReBlog: Don’t Be A Free User (Pinboard Blog) minimalmac: What if a little site you love doesn’t have a business model? Yell at the developers! Explain that you are tired of good projects folding and are willing to pay cash American dollar to prevent that from happening. It doesn’t take prohibitive per-user revenue to put…
I was surprised and honoured to receive an email on Friday inviting me to the House of Commons for the Progressive Education Network Spring Reception this Monday afternoon. I’m bitterly disappointed that the short notice means I will not be able to attend. 🙁 I came across the PEN via a tweet last month. Chaired by Mike…
The SSAT National Conference took place last week at the ICC in Birmingham (a venue rightly compared to Escher’s Relativity!). I was fortunate to be able to attend as a punter on the Wednesday and as a presenter on the Thursday as we launched the SSAT National Digital Leaders programme! The theme of the conference was ‘Excellence for All’,…
I was reading an interesting article in the Observer this morning about homework not working. Specific reference is made to a book called ‘The Homework Myth‘ by Alfie Kohn. This is the first I have heard of this book but to quote from the Observer: “The study, by American academic Alfie Kohn, has sparked a…
Well my eeePCs have finally arrived at school and I have to say I’m more than impressed. They may be diminutive in stature but they are feature packed and surprisingly well made for the price (ours were roughly £170 each). Thanks to Ewan Macintosh for the image. So yes, the screen and trackpad are a…
Another High School Opts for iPad 1-2-1 TUAW: After collaborating with Apple for a year, Northern Ireland’s Wallace High School has launched the country’s largest 1:1 iPad initiative. The school’s principal, Deborah O’Hare, said in a press release that she and her staff had been letting students bring portable devices into the classroom.. I will be speaking…