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Draft National Curriculum Programmes of Study – My Response

April the 16th is the deadline for responses to the Draft National Curriculum Programmes of Study. Much has been written and said about the creation of the Computing nee ICT programme of study and it’s creation process. I’ve written myself around the topic a number of times over it’s journey from the Nesta report to…

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Edtech Cynicism

1. Lots of people will do small-scale innovative projects with no funding or resources, because they love trying new things and doing awesome stuff.2. Some companies or institutions will “invent” or “discover” something that one or more of these people have been doing, and it will be branded as their own.3. This branded “innovation” will…

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Our New ICT Curriculum #ICTCurric

Probably worth reading my last post about the disapplication of the previous ICT Program of Study and our plans to take it’s place at KS3 before proceeding with this one. So what have we done in the 4 months since my last post? Our fabulous ICT Department have thrashed out what we believe to be…

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Fizz Buzz Scratch

The title sounds like a nasty affliction – but I actually want to describe a great lesson! I was looking for a nice challenge for my Year 9 Computing class to continue developing their understanding of variables, if statements and loops – ideally moving on to nested statements and loops. As ever Twitter came to…

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How to mix Maths & Computing using Scratch

I have the pleasure of teaching two great Year 9 classes this year. One is a fabulous Maths group that I have taught for the past two years, another is an ICT taster class (we have brought taster options into Year 9 this year, allowing students to get a taster of KS4 courses – this…