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Experiments in Spaced Learning – Initial Impressions

Well today the sun shone down on me and I got a chance to experiment with ‘spaced learning‘ as planned. photo credit: tamakisono Initial gut instinct is that it was a success. Pupils were engaged in the entire process, made clear progress throughout the lesson and thoroughly enjoyed themselves. At this late stage in their…

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Data Collection & Questionnaires with Google Docs & Twitter

Interview Reflection: Part 2: My interview lesson was rated as ‘good with outstanding features’ and as that was in part thanks to my network I thought it only fair I shared it with the World. I chose to teach a lesson focusing on data collection using questionnaires. A tricky lesson to get right I finally…

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Director of E-Learning Interview

This Thursday I have an interview for the post of Director of E-Learning at a local High School. Inspired by Doug Belshaw’s recent interview/blog/twitter success, (congratulations again Doug!) I would appreciate my personal learning network’s help! I have to present for 10 mins and also teach for 30. My presentation is on “Your Vision for…

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Using Google Docs For Shared Revision Lists

I have put together a list of revision topics for my Y11 GCSE class on a Google Spreadsheet. Pupil names along the top, topics down the side and a set of cells in-between with Red Amber Green conditional formatting. Once it’s finally unblocked at school (don’t get me started!!) I hope that the class and…

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LEMA – Open Mathematical Tasks for the New Curriculum

I have had the great pleasure of being involved in a project involving the Central & East Manchester High Schools. We have pursued a project started by universities in Manchester and across Europe. The LEMA (Learning and Education in and through Modeling and Applications) Project was developed to support teachers to incorporate mathematical modeling in…

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Sharing Resources

Like most teachers I have collected masses of resources over the years and created masses more.  Lots of my resources which I believe to be free of copyright are stored online and catalogued with the excellent www.delicious.com. As I’m sure most readers are aware Delicious.com is a great social bookmarking website.  It’s a place to…