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TeachMeet North West – Expanding the Audience

I had a great time on Friday night at BBC 21CC in Salford at Teachmeet NW.  I presented briefly on Google Forms as per my previous blog post and listened to a wide variety of great presentations.  I’ve collected all the links and chats from the evening together on the wiki.  And, although it went…

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TeachMeet North West – My Presentation

I’m doing a quick presentation at Teach Meet North West tomorrow night in Manchester. If you haven’t been to a Teachmeet before it’s an ‘unconference’ where enthusaistic teachers get together to share ideas, usually with an E-Learning theme. I’m doing a 2 minute nano-presentation on Google Forms, based on my interview / blog post from…

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Kodu Game Lab – 3D Games Design for School

Kodu is a new game programming language / tool from Microsoft.  It has had a very low-key launch, I came across it as it was featured in the excellent Edge Magazine last month.  Kodu is initially available to the public on X-Box Live Marketplace for about £3.50.  I have been fortunate enough to be allowed…

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The VLE debate, my thoughts

There has been much debate of late about whether Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs), particularly in their British state sponsored variations are dead.  For some of the thoughts check out Lindsay Jordan, James Clay, Matt Lingard and Steve Wheeler. One week today I finally start my new job as Director of E-Learning at a high school…

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Netbooks – Ready for Education Prime-Time?

As net-books continue to outpace the rest of the PC industry, prices falling and specs improving, are they ready for prime-time use in schools? I have dallied with eeePCs back in the day, I was impressed then, unfortunately school didn’t back that up with a permanent wireless network and they have been little used since. …