I’m trying out new themes at the moment, so if the site looks like someone has broken it – it’s all my fault!
I’m trying out new themes at the moment, so if the site looks like someone has broken it – it’s all my fault!
Edexcel admirably give you access to detailed question by question data from their Maths exams with the use of Results+. However I have always found that it does not come in a format that is particularly useful for teachers or individual pupils. I have created a spreadsheet that analyses the data at a class and individual…
9 Ways to Turn Around a Failing School — Sir William Atkinson 2 min read I had the pleasure of seeing Sir William Atkinson close the GL-Assessment Conference on Friday. He’s an incredible character, responsible for turning around ‘the worst school in England’. He regaled that tale to us, reflecting on the 10 years it took to…
These are my notes from a fascinating day at the Essa Academy, courtesy of Apple. We were treated to a tour and talks by a number of staff including the Principal – Showk Badat, Abdul Chohan & Jeff Ellis. I was fascinated by not just the integration of mobile technologies (they are famous for giving every…
I’m doing a quick presentation at Teach Meet North West tomorrow night in Manchester. If you haven’t been to a Teachmeet before it’s an ‘unconference’ where enthusaistic teachers get together to share ideas, usually with an E-Learning theme. I’m doing a 2 minute nano-presentation on Google Forms, based on my interview / blog post from…
The latest software update for the iPad is almost upon us, bringing multi-tasking, folders, air printing, game centre, unified inbox and more to the iPad. It is currently in ‘Gold Master’ stage which is basically the final version that is released to developers a few weeks before the public. You can download it from the…
Below is a guide for staff to support our new standard software image at school. I’ve added a lot of free software, thought the whole list might be of interest to some. What software do you have on your school image?