I’m trying out new themes at the moment, so if the site looks like someone has broken it – it’s all my fault!
I’m trying out new themes at the moment, so if the site looks like someone has broken it – it’s all my fault!
Talk about NUI – Natural User Interfaces (no touch). Obvious plug for Kinect. Showed Anybot robot that allows you to attend a meeting without actually being there. Talked through other examples of such tech. Challenges of creating Kinect: Have to be able to capture body pose. Come in many shapes, sizes and flexibilities! Depth camera made all this…
After blogging somewhat infrequently for the last 5 years, 3.5 of which have been here on this self-hosted WordPress blog I feel like it’s time for a change. The last time I changed this blog theme I tried to make it a little easier to use and more like a Tumblr blog. However reading Will…
ReBlog: Don’t Be A Free User (Pinboard Blog) minimalmac: What if a little site you love doesn’t have a business model? Yell at the developers! Explain that you are tired of good projects folding and are willing to pay cash American dollar to prevent that from happening. It doesn’t take prohibitive per-user revenue to put…
A beautiful January day to start ticking off squares & peaks. Glad I didn’t go out yesterday with fairly significant flooding in the local area. Distance: 13km. New squares: 9. New peaks: 2. First up was my home square of SD9905. The local playing fields were looking picturesque in the morning sun & frost. The…
Well today the sun shone down on me and I got a chance to experiment with ‘spaced learning‘ as planned. photo credit: tamakisono Initial gut instinct is that it was a success. Pupils were engaged in the entire process, made clear progress throughout the lesson and thoroughly enjoyed themselves. At this late stage in their…
Well I’m very excited, in a bid to trial wifi in our school, and spend some of our remaining budget I will be getting at least 6 new eeePCs next week. Initially they will be mainly for web access to the excellent MyMaths and other resources, but I’m sure they will become an integral part…