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LWF11 Prof Andrew Blake – MD: Microsoft Research Cambridge – NUI

Talk about NUI – Natural User Interfaces (no touch). Obvious plug for Kinect.  Showed Anybot robot that allows you to attend a meeting without actually being there. Talked through other examples of such tech. Challenges of creating Kinect: Have to be able to capture body pose.  Come in many shapes, sizes and flexibilities! Depth camera made all this…

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Gapminder Updates – Great for Maths, Science, Geography, Social Studies, History & More!

Scrolling through things I had starred for holiday reading, I noticed that Gapminder.org has been updated.  I have blogged previously about Gapminder and the fantastic Hans Rosling, it is a fantastic tool for visualising a wealth of World data on lovely scatter graphs that animate changes through the years. Watch one of Hans Rosling’s classic TED talks to see…