Steve Jobs narrates the crazy ones
Steve Jobs narrates – The Crazy Ones
A fitting tribute.
Steve Jobs narrates – The Crazy Ones
A fitting tribute.
Google announced a new product to the World at it’s Google I/O conference yesterday, Google Wave. There has been much written about it around the Web, by folks more intelligent than I, so if you want to catch up on the intricacies then read some of these sites: Ars Technica Tech Crunch Tech Crunch again…
Ed Balls has, well, sorry, had the balls to ditch SATs for 14 year olds in England. I can’t quite describe how elated I am! Ignoring last years fiasco, these tests have narrowed the curriculum, the teaching opportunities and pupils enthusiasm for the subject for years. The league tables that accompanied them often narrowed a…
Embedded below is the presentation that I will attempt in the Pecha-Kucha style on Tuesday 15th June at the Frog Learning Platforms Conference 2010. For further information on Digital Leaders check out the following links or get in touch with me on Twitter or via the comments below.
A positive Ofsted school improvement experience — credit where it’s due 4 min read There have been enough Ofsted scare stories to last a lifetime, and the perverse effect they can have on schools are well known. But sometimes credit should be given where it’s due, so here is a tale of a supportive and constructive Ofsted visit…
An average US citizen on an average day, consumes 100,500 words, whether that be email, messages on social networks, searching websites or anywhere else digitally.. ..And as we sleep for seven hours a day, in practice that means that three quarters of waking time is spent receiving information, the majority of which is electronic. And…
Inbox Hero Finding a system to get things done Lists I have spent an awful lot of time over the years looking for ways to be more organised and to Get Things Done. My two nemeses are my email inbox and my to-do list. I’ve always loved a list, for many years I thought it was…