Moving Home – to Tumblr
Well I like it over here, so I might stay a while!
There has been much said about the subject of ICT in secondary schools since Michael Gove spoke at BETT. I wrote with some excitement the day after, actually praising Mr Gove for once in my life! Excited with the potential freedom and with an idea to leave National Curriculum levels behind and look towards a…
Bio Sugata Mitra is currently Professor of Educational Technology at the School of Education, Communication and Language Sciences at Newcastle University. He has spent many years in a huge number of research posts. With regards to education he is most famous for his Hole In The Wall Experiment whereby he put an Internet enabled PC in…
Primary Digital Leaders Great to hear that the Digital Leaders concept is taking off at Primary level. With Dawn’s enthusiasm this was a given. My own team have been on hiatus as exams have taken over their lives and mine. Time for a relaunch in school and to find a helper or two. The concept…
Some Free Adobe Illustrator Brushes Just reacquainting myself with Adobe Illustrator doing some posters and things for school for next year. Came across these free brushes while looking for some nice arrows to add to a behaviour management process.
Inspired by Sugata Mitra at the SSAT National Conference I decided to try and ape his ‘minimally invasive education‘ within my own Maths classroom. In a really tough December week this two hours shone out as a great teaching and learning experience. Before going any further, please head over to my previous post to read about the inspiration…
Notes Plus iPad App: I’ve been planning a presentation to an eLearning working party at school on the potential for iPads as a 1-2-1 solution (following on from my previous thoughts) – more to come on this when I have time to write it up properly. Decided it was time to give my stylus a…