Hello world!
Welcome to my blog! While I think of something important to write, why not read about me and have a look at my other blogging activities?
Welcome to my blog! While I think of something important to write, why not read about me and have a look at my other blogging activities?
Programming Principles I like these analogies and principles for programming basics, nice talking points for teachers using Code Academy as a starting point for teaching programming.
Apparently a review of IWB use in London showed little benefit to a child’s progress from the use of IWBs. Personally I’d be mortified if mine was taken away from me, but whether it actually benefits my pupils is an interesting question. I can see the argument that many are simply used as glorified data…
Some reading… Like the good old days of ‘edu-blogging’ Lisa Nielsen has compiled 20 great blogs to read. Go add them to your good old fashioned rss reader and enjoy!
I had a great time on Friday night at BBC 21CC in Salford at Teachmeet NW. I presented briefly on Google Forms as per my previous blog post and listened to a wide variety of great presentations. I’ve collected all the links and chats from the evening together on the wiki. And, although it went…
Well the cold snap in the UK has given me the first two days of 2010 school year sat at home in front of the fire. I’ve been really busy of late so it’s been good to get some time to concentrate on my E-Learning role. I have been meaning to write an E-Learning newsletter…
Succinct and thought provoking piece by Seth Godin: Is your school pre-digital? I’ve spent much of the first 3 months of the school year setting up a new installation of SIMs. Much of our knowledge of our learners is digitised, but we really need some better software to make the most of this data. SIMs…