Happy Pi Day
Today is Pi Day! Enjoy:
edit: Actually it would be yesterday wouldn’t it? 3.14 and all. Oops š
Today is Pi Day! Enjoy:
edit: Actually it would be yesterday wouldn’t it? 3.14 and all. Oops š
This looks like a really nice, simple, FREE tool for stop motion animation with a webcam or image files. Amplify’d from www.jellycam.co.uk { JellyCam } Make stop-motion films with a web-cam or a bunch of photos. No fancy features yet, but great for starting off or mucking about. FREE. See more at www.jellycam.co.uk See…
Not all online learning networks actually thrive, here’s a tale of a failed attempt by myself: Ghost Town I have been involved with a couple of projects in Manchester as part of a collaborative of schools from across the city. Part of this was the continuation of the LEMA project and the creation of some…
I’m still alive, settling in to the new school has killed of blogging temporarily, I have a mountain of ideas that I intend to implement over the coming months and no-doubt blog about here. The first of which is an updated Scheme of Work for 11-14 Maths. To see my thoughts and a plea for…
Interview reflection: Part 1: I was successful in my interview for the post of Director of E-Learning at Stretford High School, I’m delighted and thoroughly looking forward to starting in September. The day obviously went well, my lesson was praised as being good with many outstanding features, I’ll reflect upon that in Part 2 of…
So says the title of another BBC article on the cyber-bullying YouTube problem. This worries and saddens me as I can see the quick result of this will be even more aggressive and restrictive censoring of the internet by school network managers. There is so much excellent material available on YouTube and other similar sites…
Embedded below is the presentation that I will attempt in theĀ Pecha-Kucha style on Tuesday 15th June at theĀ Frog Learning Platforms Conference 2010. For further information on Digital Leaders check out the following links or get in touch with me on Twitter or via the comments below. http://www.mrstucke.com/tag/digital-leaders/ http://kristianstill.co.uk/wordpress/category/curriculum/digital-leaders/ http://digitalleaders.co.uk http://vital.ac.uk/