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Sharing Resources

Like most teachers I have collected masses of resources over the years and created masses more.  Lots of my resources which I believe to be free of copyright are stored online and catalogued with the excellent www.delicious.com. As I’m sure most readers are aware Delicious.com is a great social bookmarking website.  It’s a place to…

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£100 million for Kaka – crazy? Look at the Maths…

Image via Wikipedia It is widely reported that Zinedine Zidane cost around £46 million pounds when he moved from Juventus to Real Madrid in 2001. In 2001 the Euro : Sterling exchange rate was around 0.6:1 £46m / 0.6 = €77m Now, that was over 7 years ago.  That’s quite a while in the economic…

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New ActivBoard Software Incoming

My Promethean Activboard is great, I need a new projector, but I’m a big fan of the boards and the software.  So I’m quite excited that there is some new software incoming.  I’m really pleased that I’ve been offered an early download of the software.  Canny marketing work by Promethean offering the software to bloggers…

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Wonderful WordPress – Or how to leave edublogs…

As I have previously blogged, the introduction of adverts on Edublogs was enough to make me finally move out and set up on my own.  This proved to be both a simple and satisfying process. Eggs in 2 baskets: After reading up a little around the web about hosting your own blog it became apparent…