
7 Things You Didn’t Know About Me Meme

Ryan Bretag tagged me in the lastest meme doing the round, so here are 7 things you didn’t know about me:

  1. I’m a Cumbrian – I grew up in the Lake District, quite near to the infamous Sellafield nuclear power station – but I don’t glow in the dark!
  2. I’m an Evertonian – There weren’t many football teams in the Lakes so I ended up a Toffee and I have watched 25 years of poor football ever since!
  3. I have 3 cats – A little over the top.
  4. I’m nearly 30 – Which is a bit scary!
  5. I’m addicted to gadgets – See my MacBook post.
  6. I’m addicted to Football Manager, the football management sim has wasted many autumn/winter evenings since I was about 13 and every year since.
  7. I cycle to school – Shunning a car and braving the Mancunian weather saves me a fortune and gives me a bit of exercise each day too. (Once in a while the bike actually goes up a mountain too!)

So I’d better pass this on, looking at my Google Reader feed, the next 7 educators who were waiting in my feed and don’t seem to have done this are (scientific I know!):

Sol Lederman: http://wildaboutmath.com/

Angela Meiers: http://www.angelamaiers.com/

Neil Winton: http://nwinton.wordpress.com/

Don Ledingham: http://edubuzz.org/blogs/donsblog/

Richard Byrne: http://www.freetech4teachers.com/

Mr Higgins: http://www.mrhigginsblog.com/

John Pederson: http://www.ijohnpederson.com/

(EDIT: If you’ve already done this, or hate memes then apologies!!)

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