Steve Jobs narrates the crazy ones
Steve Jobs narrates – The Crazy Ones
A fitting tribute.
Steve Jobs narrates – The Crazy Ones
A fitting tribute.
I’ve spent the morning travelling back in time to my childhood in 1986 via the BBC Domesday Project! This picture has me intrigued as it’s taken near my school and must be children within about a year of me at school – how quickly the memories fade, I can’t recognise any of them! I should probably recognise…
It’s exam time again already, and with it came the usual request from my Head of Department for any innovative ideas of how we could approach revision / lay on extra things for the Year 10 & 11s before there first exam next month. This prompted a memory of a newspaper article about a school…
How accurately can we set targets and predict performance of pupil’s exam attainment? At this time of year the pressure is on teachers and leaders in school to know exactly how their young people will perform in the GCSE exams that they are currently sitting. There is an expectation from leaders, governors and of course…
Ban Calculators? Just catching up on last week’s reading and found the Conservative’s latest idea from the NC Review. Banning calculators in early years of Primary school. As someone planning a one device per child school you’d think I’d be up in arms. But I teach maths. And most pupils arrive at our school aged…
Rasberry Pi gets one step closer! See here and here why it’s exciting.
I have put together a list of revision topics for my Y11 GCSE class on a Google Spreadsheet. Pupil names along the top, topics down the side and a set of cells in-between with Red Amber Green conditional formatting. Once it’s finally unblocked at school (don’t get me started!!) I hope that the class and…