Steve Jobs narrates the crazy ones
Steve Jobs narrates – The Crazy Ones
A fitting tribute.
Steve Jobs narrates – The Crazy Ones
A fitting tribute.
This sketch from the always excellent Gaping Void got me thinking, are there some teachers you shouldn’t bother pushing even the best technology at?
This post was written as part of my day job for Community Brands / Assembly: The Attendance Challenge There is no bigger challenge in school leadership in 2022 than monitoring and improving school attendance. Despite the incredible progress in remote learning, we know students achieve best when taught face-to-face by subject specialists. During the…
Kodu is a new game programming language / tool from Microsoft. It has had a very low-key launch, I came across it as it was featured in the excellent Edge Magazine last month. Kodu is initially available to the public on X-Box Live Marketplace for about £3.50. I have been fortunate enough to be allowed…
Apparently a review of IWB use in London showed little benefit to a child’s progress from the use of IWBs. Personally I’d be mortified if mine was taken away from me, but whether it actually benefits my pupils is an interesting question. I can see the argument that many are simply used as glorified data…
Inspired by Sugata Mitra at the SSAT National Conference I decided to try and ape his ‘minimally invasive education‘ within my own Maths classroom. In a really tough December week this two hours shone out as a great teaching and learning experience. Before going any further, please head over to my previous post to read about the inspiration…
I have finally started one of my classes blogging. I decided to use a wiki from the excellent Wikispaces for this purpose rather than a blog. I took inspiration from Kristian Still’s excellent wiki at his previous school (which seems to have dissapeared now Kristian has moved schools?). I also made the choice as I’m…