How To Create a Captivating Presentation by Mark McGuinnes
Great article on How To Create a Captivating Presentation by Mark McGuinnes. Thanks to Doug Belshaw for the link.
Great article on How To Create a Captivating Presentation by Mark McGuinnes. Thanks to Doug Belshaw for the link.
Life in the fast lane! CC image by fishtail @ No post in several months. Certainly not down to having nothing to write about, rather having done so much that I am struggling to find the time and energy to keep up with my blog reading let alone writing. Since September I have been…
This post has been knocking around my head for a while, I hope it comes out as intended. I think it began to form whilst reading Dan Meyer‘s blog post questioning the use of Web2.0 in instructing Math. I have been trying to knit together my love of technology into my teaching of Maths ever…
I have just completed the second edition of the SHS E-Learning Newsletter. This issue’s focus was: Google Forms Youtube XL Flickr CC Search Internal Training Check it out here, or sign up for the next edition over on the right in the sidebar 🙂
This was originally written as a think piece for the DfE for the site, think pieces weren’t used in the end so here it is! Our young learners inhabit a world where communication and access to knowledge is being transformed by mobile devices. A world in which we as adults would be lost and frustrated…
This sketch from the always excellent Gaping Void got me thinking, are there some teachers you shouldn’t bother pushing even the best technology at?
I came across the excellent Scratch programming tool via an interesting discussion on Classroom2.0. I’m planning on investigating it a little more in the near future, there are a wealth of mathematical possibilities for it from algebra, logic, geometry, probability etc etc etc. However I’ve been thinking of a quick way in to it for…