
Using Mozilla’s Open Badge project in secondary schools

I’ve been interested by the possibilities of Mozilla’s Open Badges project over the past week or so. Doug Belshaw brought it to my attention and I’ve been engaged with him and a group of educators discussing the possible uses of the badges in schools over at the ‘Peer to Peer University P2PU. Open Badges in a nutshell:…

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Frog Learning Platforms Conference 2010 – Digital Leaders – The Story So Far

Embedded below is the presentation that I will attempt in the Pecha-Kucha style on Tuesday 15th June at the Frog Learning Platforms Conference 2010. For further information on Digital Leaders check out the following links or get in touch with me on Twitter or via the comments below. http://www.mrstucke.com/tag/digital-leaders/ http://kristianstill.co.uk/wordpress/category/curriculum/digital-leaders/ http://digitalleaders.co.uk http://vital.ac.uk/