How To Create a Captivating Presentation by Mark McGuinnes
Great article on How To Create a Captivating Presentation by Mark McGuinnes. Thanks to Doug Belshaw for the link.
Great article on How To Create a Captivating Presentation by Mark McGuinnes. Thanks to Doug Belshaw for the link.
Talk about NUI – Natural User Interfaces (no touch). Obvious plug for Kinect. Showed Anybot robot that allows you to attend a meeting without actually being there. Talked through other examples of such tech. Challenges of creating Kinect: Have to be able to capture body pose. Come in many shapes, sizes and flexibilities! Depth camera made all this…
Below is a guide for staff to support our new standard software image at school. I’ve added a lot of free software, thought the whole list might be of interest to some. What software do you have on your school image?
Kodu is a new game programming language / tool from Microsoft. It has had a very low-key launch, I came across it as it was featured in the excellent Edge Magazine last month. Kodu is initially available to the public on X-Box Live Marketplace for about £3.50. I have been fortunate enough to be allowed…