
Mezzanine brings Minority Report to your classroom

Minority Report meets a Wii and has lovely babies! Oblong’s ‘Mezzanine’ looks truly amazing! Just take a step back and imagine a classroom of the future equipped with one of these and an iPad for each child. Effortless and rich in content – I hope Promethean & Smart are quivering in their pampered boots! Source:…


Another High School Opts for iPad 1-2-1

Another High School Opts for iPad 1-2-1 TUAW: After collaborating with Apple for a year, Northern Ireland’s Wallace High School has launched the country’s largest 1:1 iPad initiative. The school’s principal, Deborah O’Hare, said in a press release that she and her staff had been letting students bring portable devices into the classroom.. I will be speaking…

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IT Provision in Secondary Schools in 2011

Another what’s the best way forward? blog post where I try and dissect my own thinking on what IT provision should look like in a Secondary School in 2011.  Continue the current mix of laptop trolleys and IT suites or move towards a 1 to 1 environment of tablets or laptops? Financial Planning This year so far…


iOS 4.2 For iPad

The latest software update for the iPad is almost upon us, bringing multi-tasking, folders, air printing, game centre, unified inbox and more to the iPad.  It is currently in ‘Gold Master’ stage which is basically the final version that is released to developers a few weeks before the public. You can download it from the…

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Air Sketch – iPad to Projector – Wirelessly

I’ve been trying to use my iPad in the classroom as much as possible, as a device for use in schools it is close to being perfect.  One of the drawbacks has been working out how to get what’s on the iPad to be projected onto my classroom wall.  You can connect it with the iPad…