
Facebook: Hard-Hitting Safety & Privacy Assembly

I’ve been giving an assembly to every House in our school this week, with a focus on Safety & Privacy in Facebook. It’s gone down incredibly well with staff and more importantly students, so I figured it worth sharing. I’ve hit on some top tips to get pupils to listen on a subject that it’s…


Google Plus – Google’s next take on social networking

So Google have started releasing their new social product Google+ or Google Plus.  And it looks interesting if a little familiar to Twitter & Facebook. Of particular interest is their attempt to allow you to segment your acquaintances and share certain information with certain people via the ‘circles’ feature: This makes sense – I’m often a bit uncomfortable with my mix…

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Facebook Groups in School?

Facebook recently updated their Groups feature.  Allowing finer control over groups which you set up, who can join, who can post, who can share etc..   Their are also improvements to how you are notified about group updates and a new feature called ‘docs’ that provides a Google Docs-esque shared notepad / document. Group chat is…