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2022 GCSE Exam Results (Data Trends)

This post was written as part of my day job for Community Brands / Assembly: https://assembly.education/exam-results-2022/. Introduction  Last week saw GCSE/BTEC results published to join the A-Level results. Today’s news summary rounds up links to in-depth analysis from around the sector.  A-Levels Recap  The CAGs and TAGs process through 2020 and 2021 saw huge grade inflation…

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How to Analyse Your School Exam Results (Data Trends)

Originally published for Assembly Data Trends series: https://assembly.education/how-to-analyse-exam-results/ It’s been three whole years since we’ve had exam results in England, and what three years it has been! This issue of Data Trends provides 7 top tips on how to analyse and report on your school or MAT exam results this Summer, from our former Vice…

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Covid lost learning quantified

The first genuine pandemic affected exam results are in, as schools (belatedly – well done Capita!) received their KS2 SATs results today. And perhaps unsurprisingly the impact of the lost learning of the past 3 years is clear.  There have been significant drops in the proportion of 11 year olds meeting expected standards in Maths…


Playing With Lives – English GCSE Analysis

Yesterday hundreds of thousands of 16 year olds opened an envelope to find out the fruits of the first 11 years of hard work at school. College courses, apprenticeships, jobs and more rested on the grades they had been given in their GCSE exams. The night before they were already panicking that something might be…