
Estelle Morris on Gove – Is there a master plan?

Estelle Morris on Gove – Is there a master plan? Amongst the consternation with Michael Gove this weekend – particularly his comments on the Andrew Marr show about the upcoming strike, Estelle Morris gets to the heart of the issue. Where is the long term plan amongst the cost cutting and curriculum narrowing? There surely…


Mezzanine brings Minority Report to your classroom

Minority Report meets a Wii and has lovely babies! Oblong’s ‘Mezzanine’ looks truly amazing! Just take a step back and imagine a classroom of the future equipped with one of these and an iPad for each child. Effortless and rich in content – I hope Promethean & Smart are quivering in their pampered boots! Source:…


Excellent Online Graphing Calculator

The team at Desmos.com have released a fantastic online graphing calculator that draws graphs as you type – it’s brilliantly clear and responsive and will be a fantastic free tool to use in the classroom. This tool will be part of the wider Desmos suite of software which aims to allow teachers to share and create quality…


Peter Twinning Reviews “Learning Futures”

Peter Twinning Reviews “Learning Futures” From agent4change.net: Within this discourse the role of schools is portrayed as being to prepare young people for this rapidly changing ‘knowledge age’ by developing their ‘21st century skills’, including communication, collaboration, learning to learn, and high levels of IT competence. In ‘Learning Futures’ Keri Facer describes this discourse as ‘the…


A ‘Technical Baccalaureate’?

A ‘Technical Baccalaureate’? The education charity Edge, which promotes technical and practical learning and of which Adonis is a trustee, is working closely with the Baker Dearing Educational Trust to come up with such a qualification. Under the plans, seen exclusively by Education Guardian, pupils aged 14 to 16 would spend 60% of their time…

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IT Provision in Secondary Schools in 2011

Another what’s the best way forward? blog post where I try and dissect my own thinking on what IT provision should look like in a Secondary School in 2011.  Continue the current mix of laptop trolleys and IT suites or move towards a 1 to 1 environment of tablets or laptops? Financial Planning This year so far…

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SSAT National Conference 2010 #NC10 – Initial Thoughts

The SSAT National Conference took place last week at the ICC in Birmingham (a venue rightly compared to Escher’s Relativity!).  I was fortunate to be able to attend as a punter on the Wednesday and as a presenter on the Thursday as we launched the SSAT National Digital Leaders programme! The theme of the conference was ‘Excellence for All’,…

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Two Thought Provoking Discussion Starting Videos

The two following videos have been doing the rounds over the last week in the ‘blogosphere’ (I do hate that word!).  But just because you’ve seen them a couple of times doesn’t mean everyone in your school has – share them with you network now.  We used them both as discussion starters in Leadership Meetings…

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A Progressive Approach To The Internet In School

A post I’ve been meaning to write for many months… Battles: I have had my battles with Internet filtering in the past, but I’m now the man in charge.  Every school I have worked in so far in my opinion has had an old fashioned ‘head in the sand’ view to filtering and acceptable use…