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5 minute lesson plan – iPad Edition

5 Minute Lesson Plan – iPad Edition I love the 5 Minute Lesson Plan, the wonderful TeacherToolkit should be very proud of it. It’s all but superseded our school lesson plan proforma for most staff and I can understand why. The best medium I’ve found to date for using it is the good old fashioned…

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Edtech Cynicism

1. Lots of people will do small-scale innovative projects with no funding or resources, because they love trying new things and doing awesome stuff.2. Some companies or institutions will “invent” or “discover” something that one or more of these people have been doing, and it will be branded as their own.3. This branded “innovation” will…

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SSAT National Conference 2010 #NC10 – Initial Thoughts

The SSAT National Conference took place last week at the ICC in Birmingham (a venue rightly compared to Escher’s Relativity!).  I was fortunate to be able to attend as a punter on the Wednesday and as a presenter on the Thursday as we launched the SSAT National Digital Leaders programme! The theme of the conference was ‘Excellence for All’,…

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A Progressive Approach To The Internet In School

A post I’ve been meaning to write for many months… Battles: I have had my battles with Internet filtering in the past, but I’m now the man in charge.  Every school I have worked in so far in my opinion has had an old fashioned ‘head in the sand’ view to filtering and acceptable use…

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Frog Learning Platforms Conference 2010 – Digital Leaders – The Story So Far

Embedded below is the presentation that I will attempt in the Pecha-Kucha style on Tuesday 15th June at the Frog Learning Platforms Conference 2010. For further information on Digital Leaders check out the following links or get in touch with me on Twitter or via the comments below. http://www.mrstucke.com/tag/digital-leaders/ http://kristianstill.co.uk/wordpress/category/curriculum/digital-leaders/ http://digitalleaders.co.uk http://vital.ac.uk/

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Influencing Policy Part 2: Becta-X: Old Conversations, New Connections, Bright Future?

I was honoured to be invited to Becta-X (the x stands for exchange) during the Easter break.  The conference brought together 75 leading educators and 75 leading people from the Media sector.  Thanks to @TomBarrett for getting me the invite – truly much appreciated. The aims of the day were: The way the digital media industry influences…