
Outstanding Design Pt.1 – Typerighter.com

Typerighter is one of the best designed web apps I’ve ever come across. You can try it out here. You’ll be presented with a completely blank web page. In which you can type. And that’s it! The user interface is non-existent, the options appear non-existent, it’s just a blank page that gradually fills with text as you type, and it’s so simple it works identically on any web browser you can imagine, including all smart phones, tablets etc..

Typerighter is also unusual in that it isn’t free. At present it costs $5.97, and that goes up a penny for each new user. With that you get your own url, mine’s http://danielstucke.typerighter.com. Type in any sub-domain to that and you’ll create a new blank page. I’m writing this article at https://danielstucke.typerighter.com/typerighter as we speak. All you will see as you type is the occasional tiny ‘saved’ flash up in the top right of the screen. It’s a fantastic, distraction free, writing experience. There are a few features. Add ’.txt’ to the end of your url and the text is automatically downloaded as a text file. Add ’.html’ to the end, and if you’ve written your text using Markdown it will be displayed in perfectly formatted html.

I’ve started writing my blog posts in Markdown on Typerighter, and I’ve also started keeping an open page on whichever browser I’m working in at the time and just using it as a scratchpad for making any notes as my day goes by. It works flawlessly on iPhone and iPad too.

Typerighter in all it’s pared down glory, that’s all there is to it.

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