
Facebook: Hard-Hitting Safety & Privacy Assembly

I’ve been giving an assembly to every House in our school this week, with a focus on Safety & Privacy in Facebook. It’s gone down incredibly well with staff and more importantly students, so I figured it worth sharing. I’ve hit on some top tips to get pupils to listen on a subject that it’s…


Visual.ly Infographics

Visual.ly Infographics Visual.ly is at present a nice collection of infographics, those big data visualisations that are making statistics cool again. They can be a great source of information and discussion for the classroom (and also a great source of revenue / traffic for their creators). What’s more exciting is the promise that you’ll soon be…


Using Mozilla’s Open Badge project in secondary schools

I’ve been interested by the possibilities of Mozilla’s Open Badges project over the past week or so. Doug Belshaw brought it to my attention and I’ve been engaged with him and a group of educators discussing the possible uses of the badges in schools over at the ‘Peer to Peer University P2PU. Open Badges in a nutshell:…


Inside the mind of a young rioter #manchesterriots #londonriots

Like most of the UK (and beyond), I’ve spent the last 5 days watching with dismay as England has descended into widespread looting, arson & violence. It’s been a shocking example of just how thin the bubble of civilised society is and just how close we live to something akin to Lord Of The Flies….