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Why predicting attainment fails – Confidence Intervals

How accurately can we set targets and predict performance of pupil’s exam attainment? At this time of year the pressure is on teachers and leaders in school to know exactly how their young people will perform in the GCSE exams that they are currently sitting. There is an expectation from leaders, governors and of course…


Visual.ly Infographics

Visual.ly Infographics Visual.ly is at present a nice collection of infographics, those big data visualisations that are making statistics cool again. They can be a great source of information and discussion for the classroom (and also a great source of revenue / traffic for their creators). What’s more exciting is the promise that you’ll soon be…

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#LWF11 – David McCandless, Author & Information Designer – Infographics & Data

David is the author of http://www.informationisbeautiful.net/. Worked through some fantastic infographics from his site, go look at them now.  Better still see his TED talk: Some interesting insights from using Google InSights to track search terms.  Great tool for use in the classroom. Nice talk about needing to compare proportions rather than totals, in the concept of…