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2022 GCSE Exam Results (Data Trends)

This post was written as part of my day job for Community Brands / Assembly: https://assembly.education/exam-results-2022/. Introduction  Last week saw GCSE/BTEC results published to join the A-Level results. Today’s news summary rounds up links to in-depth analysis from around the sector.  A-Levels Recap  The CAGs and TAGs process through 2020 and 2021 saw huge grade inflation…

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#LWF11 – Stephen Heppell – What’s on the horizon?

Stephen started with a nice anecdote about starting his career asked a tough group of students to help him out by getting teaching tips from other teachers in return from him teaching them the content. Be Very Afraid programme.  Students taught themselves to play an instrument in a month. Evolution of tech in our lifetimes:…